Part 2: YOUR ‘Success Path’ – Series
For years I was struggling over and over, feeling like I was forever running in a “Spinning Wheel” — without EVER getting my business off the ground as I had imagined it. Tired and exhausted I seemed to make the same mistakes over… and over… and over again… Not realising WHAT it was that made me end up empty-handed TIME AND TIME AGAIN. I was desperate — endlessly working for ‘MY BREAK’ within my business.
I felt Trapped — Caught on that ‘Spinning Wheel’ — Something had to be done. I had developed a “Loop Pattern” — running my very own ‘Mobius Loop’. You know — starting along th centre line of the loop you go around twice before coming back to the starting point. NOT EASY to notice when you’re on it. It can take YEARS before realising that!!!
It was time for a BIG CHANGE.
I started to combine my Stage Designer Knowledge, my years of studying, researching and working with people — and found 5 Major Culprits that keep us on this ‘slowing-down, going-in-circles, running-to-exhaustion Loop’. Once I developed a Step-by-Step program to recognise these patterns my success started to accelerate. You can lay them out right in front of you — and turn them into YOUR Unique Combat Patterns — Winning Patterns that ACCELERATE YOUR SUCCESS — instead of sabotaging your Forward-Movement.
It becomes so blatantly obvious and clear — you wonder how you could not see it before.
There are Things we do, Actions we take, Thoughts we have — that keep us in that “Loop Pattern”. It is vital for our success to take the time and recognise these patterns we develop subconsciously. They SABOTAGE – and work against – YOUR innate, given talents, strengths and gifts.
You want to break through the ‘Glass-Ceiling’ and experience ‘Ground-Shaking Success’?
Take Action. Now. Turn your ‘Stumbling Loops’ into your ‘Success Patterns’.
Accelerate Your Success.
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